Screen marker
Screen marker

screen marker
  1. #Screen marker how to
  2. #Screen marker manual
  3. #Screen marker software
  4. #Screen marker plus

#Screen marker plus

With on-screen exam marking, marker permissions ensure individuals can only access areas of the system that they are allowed to access, plus every access and action is completely audit-trailed. It is also much easier for mistakes to be made when entering results data. Marking on paper or in Excel does not maintain a high level of security, as there is no way to comprehensively track who is accessing papers or where they are being sent. Security of Marking, Candidate Identity, Exam Papers and Results Obviously access to all of this functionality has to be tightly controlled, with all changes fully audit-trailed and the ability to roll-back any modifications made. With these tools, you can tweak the scores given for certain questions and immediately and graphically see the impact on the overall pass rate, saving a huge amount of time and effort.

#Screen marker software

Often, marking teams get locked away in a room for days until white smoke appears! However, with some online marking software providers, there are advanced results modelling tools available for moderation.

#Screen marker how to

When an exam has been marked and it is clear that the pass rate is either too low or too high, if you use paper or spreadsheets it is a long and difficult process to work out how to moderate results so that the pass rate becomes acceptable. +/- 5% of the pass mark, can be rerouted to a second marker or the lead marker, with the ability to determine if the second marker sees the first marker’s score and notes. With e-marking you can also use double-blind marking, where every script that falls within a % range of a specified grade band, e.g. It is also possible to seed control scripts within each marker’s allocation and you can set an auto-stop facility for markers who fall outside pre-defined tolerances. For example, a set number of scripts can be selected for standardisation, and all markers then mark these scripts, so you can check for deviation. With online assessment systems it is far easier to standardise the marking process. When you have a number of markers, it is always a challenge to ensure everyone marks to the same standard. In addition, there are options to set up mark schemas or rubrics, that can set score boundaries for markers, thus limiting the risk of an incorrect mark value being assigned. The streamlined workflow also makes it far less likely that there will be human error in calculating or transcribing results for a specific candidate. For example, based on specified rules you can automatically route a percentage of scripts to a second or external marker for quality assurance purposes, as well as employ auto-stop features for markers whose scores are falling outside tolerances (see below). E-marking, or on-screen marking, enables examining bodies to monitor markers throughout the marking process and maintain tight control at all times.

screen marker

It is crucial for examining bodies to maintain consistent and high quality marking, and it’s also beneficial to reduce the number of scripts being sent back for review. Advanced on-screen exam marking tools help with assigning marker roles, setting up automated workflows for multiple markers or even setting up a marker hierarchy, so no matter how long the paper or how many markers are involved, the process is efficient, quick and secure.

#Screen marker manual

For questions that require manual marking, such as essays, drawings, audio, video or diagrams, using online marking software makes everything smoother and easier to manage. With online exams, auto-scorable question types are automatically marked on submission of the exam, with scores immediately available and securely stored. Trying to circulate paper scripts to multiple markers is cumbersome and inefficient, as well as risky from a security point-of-view. Marking paper scripts and entering results on an Excel spreadsheet is extremely time consuming. Here we outline five key benefits that examining bodies have realised from the use of online marking software, as well as information on making the transition to online marking and the types of on-screen marking tools available.

screen marker

Are you using excel or paper to mark exams? It might be time to investigate new on-screen exam marking tools that can streamline your exam administration.

Screen marker